What are you afraid of?

I saw someone had compiled a list of different phobias and I thought I would look up some myself…..there are TONS of phobias. I am going to only pick one (and hopefully not repeat the ones the other person had) for each letter of the alphabet (except for Q and Z)…I found these in The Indexed Phobia List….I don’t have any of these..THANK GOD!
A phobia is an intense but unrealistic fear that can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by an object, event, or situation.
A: Anger-Angrophobia, Cholerophobia
B: Beautiful Women-Caligynephobia…now that is an interesting phobia
C: Constipation-Coprastasophobia…seriously, there is a phobia for this
D: Daylight (sunshine)-Phengophobia
E: Englishness-Anglophobia…this is interesting too
F: Foreign Languages-Xenoglossophobia
G: Good news-Euphobia….this is a sad phobia….imagine being scared of GOOD news:(

H: Hell-Hadephobia, Stygiophobia, Stigiophobia…..now this is the phobia we all should have….no one wants to go to Hell
I: Infinity-Apeirophobia….interesting..never would have thought there would be a fear of infinity
J: Justice-Dikephobia
K: Knowledge-Gnosiophobia, Epistemophobia
L: (being in)Love-Philophobia
M: Money-Chrometophobia, Chrematephobia…definitely don’t have that one…just wish I had more money

N: Nudity-Gymnophobia, Nudophobia
O: Ocean-Thalassophobia….definitely don’t have this one…I love the ocean:)
P: Phobias-Phobophobia…..??a fear of phobias??
R: Relatives-Syngenesophobia……I could see with some relatives…
S: Sin-Hamartophobia…now that is something…
T: Thinking-Phronemophobia
U: Ugliness-Cacophobia
V: Vegetables-Lachanophobia

W: Washing-Ablutophobia
X: X-rays-Radiophobia
Y: Yellow-Xanthophobia

I don’t know anyone with any of these fears…again, THANK GOD!!!!…..but since they have been named, there must be people who have these phobias. It is sad to think that someone could be so afraid of something that it consumes their lives.


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