Test Post For You

1. How did you come up with your blog name? There is no grand story about how I came up with my blog name…it just happened. I was actually at work…I must have been thinking about being single (I know..sad face…ha!) and was drinking coffee..and it was like an epiphany…”Single with a Double Espresso Shot”. BAM! There it was! I ran it by my blogging friend Kayla (read her blog here ….you’ll be glad you did) and she liked it too….so there you have it! 2. What is your favorite thing about blogging? I haven’t been doing serious blogging like some but I am trying….that being said, one of my favorite things about blogging is telling what is going on in my life. I may forget some things after several months, but if I can remember it long enough to blog about it, I will have a record to read later on. 3. What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can’t live without? I honestly can’t think of anything (at least at this moment) that I have discovered because of blogging….except maybe the wonderful blogs written by others 🙂 4. Facebook or Twitter? and why? Twitter…I like being able to keep up with friends and family without the “junk” and drama that seems to clog up Facebook lately. I do like Facebook for keeping up with pictures and other things but Twitter has a “cleaner” feed 5. If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be? Honestly, I don’t even know which one I would choose. I would love for all of my favorite celebs to read my blog but for no particular reason…only because they are my favorites! 6. What is something you want people to know about your blog? I am me. I talk about my beliefs and my life. I do have different beliefs than others but I, in no way, would ever want anyone to think I look down on them or think different of him or her because we believe and think different. That is what makes us all unique after all 🙂