Sunday Social – 2014 week #2

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
     Single, with a Double Espresso Shot. I have had my blog since 2007 but didn’t really do
     anything until 2013…so I guess I have been blogging since 2013…LOL

2. Why do you blog?
     to share my life…in more details than Facebook…and usually with less drama 🙂

3. What is the first blog you ever followed?
    I honestly don’t know…

4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2013?
     this It is my favorite because it is the first post where I really put myself “out there”

5. What are your blogging goals for 2014?
     be more consistant with my blogging 🙂

6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?
    Mississippi Mrs.
    Tis So Sweet
    Penelope Trunk