Friday Five {Good Friday edition}

 {Good Friday}: Today is Good Friday…which means I am off work! It also means we have one last
           practice before the 1st performance of our church’s Easter drama on Saturday night…eek!
Wednesday night’s practice….we will look better Saturday and Sunday…we tired! LOL

{“The Witness”}: the name of our church’s Easter drama. It is told from Peter’s point of view.
          It was written, produced, and performed by the Youth & Music Dept.

      I must add….I am very VERY proud of the ones who got this together! I know it was not easy to
           get everything and everyone together.

{Winter in April?}: ok…so it only lasted for 2 nights and a day (maybe 2 days), but after Winter
          2013/2014, I am ready for Spring to stay!

{Family Vacation 2014}: the OCD says I need to go ahead and start working on getting things
          together to pack…after this weekend is over! (vacation is around the beginning of June but hey!
          It’s not too early)

{Running}: I am still “running” but struggling….stupid shin splints! I will keep pushing though! I’m
         determined to do this!

                                              “I think I can! I think I can!…..I know I can!”