What Makes Me NOT Want to Read

This week’s topic is things that make me instantly NOT want to read a book, which is the opposite of last week. That makes it fun! I have a short list because I’m fairly easy to please when reading but these will definitely cause me to take a long pause, and maybe even move on.

1. Ugly covers

This could include bland and plain covers or something that is creepy, or just flat-out unpleasant. I might still read something with a bland cover if the reviews are convincing enough.

2. Bad reviews

…and I mean, lots of them. A few bad reviews might not be enough to persuade me to not read something, but if there are a ton more bad reviews than good, I will just go ahead and pass on the book.

3. Bad writing

This means, that I have probably already started the book, but if the writing isn’t good, I’m probably going to put the book down and move on to something I actually enjoy.

4. Sad books

This doesn’t always stop me, but if reviews talk about how sad it is (and I don’t mean a little bit of sad here and there), I’m probably going to think twice. There is enough in real-life (everywhere, not necessarily in mine) to make me sad so I don’t want to “escape reality” with a book and still be sad.

5. Certain genres

Two I can think of: fantasy & science fiction. Now, I know Twilight might be considered fantasy but I mean when it is too much fantasy and science fiction. If I have to think too much to figure out what is going on, then I’m done. I don’t think it’s that I’m too clueless to know what’s going on, but when I read, I want to relax and enjoy, and if I have to think too far into what I’m reading, I’d rather just read something else.

*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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  1. Jo

    Since I listen to a lot of audiobooks nowadays, ugly covers bother me less than they used to because I’ll just get the audiobook rather than adding the physical book to my collection. I’m generally fairly flexible when it comes to genre: the only ones I never read are romance and erotica. I don’t love horror but I will read some if it sounds interesting and it’s fairly light horror! I’m pickier about sci-fi than fantasy (I love fantasy) but I will still read it if it sounds good. I rarely read contemporary fiction anymore but if there’s something that really catches my eye then I will still give it a try.

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