Runfessions {6.30.23}

I found this linkup a few weeks ago and loved it! Plus, I don’t have enough running-themed posts.

I runfess… that I need to force myself to get up earlier to get in the long runs. I have a lighted vest so it would be fine to run in the dark.

not a good picture but you can see the lighted vest

I gymfess… that I need to be in using the weights and machines in the gym, in addition to running on the treadmill. It seems that I am so busy that I don’t allow the time to do that, but, in reality, I probably do have the time. I need more than just running.


I “kayak”fess… that I will not be kayaking the Ghost River in June anymore HA! There were bugs and snakes. We did have a good time though πŸ™‚

*linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.


  1. Marcia

    Oh yikes on the river bugs and snakes. They’d freak me out too. I kayakfess that it’s been too long since I’ve been in mine.
    So Sorry about the closed linkup! Usually I like to keep it open for a week but apparently I typed in the wrong date and now it won’t let me reopen it. My bad!

    1. resimmons82

      It’s no problem on the linkup! I figured adding it to the comments would be good too πŸ™‚

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