Friday Favorites : {12.15.23}

Happy Friday! Here are some of my favorites from the last few weeks 🙂

you know they will always be the first favorites 🙂

Living close enough to be able to walk downtown

Downtown at Christmas time

We have a new Mexican restaurant in town and it is a favorite!

tacos de birria

There’s a fairly new place downtown that we had not tried until recently and now I’m wonderng why we waited so long!

This Christmas gnome family is a new Christmas favorite!

Our church being able to buy for 33 kids who would probably not have gotten Christmas – definitely a favorite!

3 or 4 out of 7 shopping carts, full of Christmas

This outfit is a new Christmas/festive favorite!!

book stacks 🙂

favorites quotes/memes/funnies from the past few weeks

*Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!