Friday Favorites :: {10.20.23}

Happy Friday! Here are some of my favorites from the last week 🙂

They are not at all rotten! HA! 😍

This past weekend, we celebrated 40 years of pastoral excellence at church. We love our pastor and his wife!!

It’s an all-season thing HA!

Lately, a favorite has been the ability to work from home. When I am on lunch from my “job” job, I am able to work on my church job. These past two or three weeks have been crazy busy, so having the time to do both has helped!

It wasn’t planned; it just happened this way – I have been in two different state parks in the last two weeks, and I love it! Both are beautiful, especially this time of year!

*Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!