Favorite Heroines in Books

I’ll be honest…I was struggling to think of heroines in books, but once I did a little research, there were so many! I guess my brain was just too tired HA! Seeing some of these were like, DUH! So, with a little help thanks to research, this is a list of my 10 favorite heroines, all of which I have actually read (or, watched)!

1. Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games

2. Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind

3. Jo March from Little Women

4. Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre

5. Matilda from Matilda

6. Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables

7. Elphaba from Wicked

8. Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie

9. Madeline from Madeline

10. Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia

*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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