Sorry! I know I’ve been MIA the past few days but I’ve been really busy…kitchen renovation, planning a wedding reception (not mine..my sister’s(; ), working…but I will be back and will be playing catch up [let this be your warning…there will be a post overload when I do] hehe

Sunday Social – July 14

1. What is your all-time favorite song?      I don’t know that I have an all-time favorite song….I have many favorite songs but those     change from time to time 🙂 2. Who is your favorite singer/band?    Same situation as the favorite songs….but as of late, I am listening to Lecrae…over and    over 🙂 {expect some posts on …

Music Monday – “American Noise” by Skillet

Don’t get distracted by people/places/things around you. Let love, God’s love, cut through the American noise!     American Noise (lyrics from lyricmode.com) Angry words and honking car Satellites and fallen starsDistant dark blue radios that whisper down my boulevardsGhosts and chains rattle in the atticBroken headphone filled with static Lonely room you’ve got nowhere to run …